They are home! Thanks for your donations!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Have a Cup, Help a Child

Do you like coffee? Do you know someone else who does? Would you consider partnering with us in another effort to help orphans worldwide?

Just Love Coffee is a family founded/run coffee company that started with the desire to help orphans in Ethiopia and adoptive families worldwide. If you would like to read more about the Webb family, their vision, or their coffee, click here:

When you purchase a pound of coffee from a percentage of the sale goes to our account. Another cut goes to orphans in Ethiopia and the rest covers the overhead, beans, etc. I personally know of someone who buys premium coffee for over $20 a pound and is happy about the price—so this is MUCH more economical!!!

On a side note, we are looking at tens of thousands of dollars of debt with this adoption. Some will be paid by tax refund, but as it looks now, that won’t be until 2011. Please consider purchasing a bag of coffee or two, or get on the monthly plan—and share the coffee and website with your friends! To credit our account, log in here:

This really isn’t about helping the Fathmans. Heaven knows, we need all the help we can get!!! But this is about helping the fatherless, the needy, the lost. This is about a little girl in China that has spent 7 years in a SWI. This is about pure religion: “Religion the God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” James 1:27 It is about helping the orphan—to some, God says “pray”, to others, God says “give.” To us, God said “adopt.” How cool that we can all partner to do His will! “God sets the lonely in families” Psalm 68:6

One last note: November 8th is Orphan Sunday. Perhaps your church already has plans for something special that day. Would you consider asking them if they would purchase coffee to serve from us, and therefore helping orphans in two continents at once?

Thank you for your help!