They are home! Thanks for your donations!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A rose by any other name…

In filling out the DS-230, Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, we have to choose Min Zhi’s name NOW. Goodness, even when I gave birth I had 24 hours after they were in my arms to decide! How can I know if she is an Amanda or Aubrey or Alyvia? What about Anissa or Alyssa or Angela? What about the half dozen others that we are tossing around? Of course, our four bios all have a DIFFERENT favorite. HMMMM. Then again, Andrew wanted to name Hannah “Warthog” before she was born, and would probably cast his vote there now, so maybe I shouldn’t put too much stock in what they think. And then, do we give her an American first AND second name, leaving her Chinese name as a third name? Or do we keep it more prominent as her only middle name? I have heard arguments from both sides.

If anyone wants to cast a vote, perhaps I can post the possibilities and you can let me know. But it has to be quickly!! I am PRAYING for a speedy LOA, so I need to have the paperwork turned in. Then again, maybe if I don’t have all my ducks in a row, the LOA will come sooner…

Photos to China!

Since we have LID, we are able to send packages to Min Zhi! We grabbed a bunch of photos of us and but them in an album—our first “gift” to our little girl! I hope she isn’t too scared of animals!!!

We took a photo of each member of our family, even the goldfish, so she can start thinking about us and picturing us in her mind. I SOOO want her to think of my face when she thinks of a mama. More than that, I want her to have HOPE that she is wanted! We are here, Min Zhi! Wish you were, too!

Blessed and Humbled

I haven’t written about Min Zhi Monday because I was unable to collect from all of the businesses that sponsored the day. It was difficult to show up for, what I perceived, our “handout”. I know that each business owner agreed to support us, and that we washedHamilton in pink signs as well as posted it in churches’ announcements, so I felt a bit better about it since we did some “advertising”.

I can now officially say that Min Zhi Monday was a success. I can also say that I know that several of the business owners gave not only from their proceeds but from their wallets, too. Maybe I am just weird that way, but I have the worst time asking for money from others. I would rather do without something and pay it myself, but the staggering amount of money we need to pay forces me out of my comfort zone. Just asking for help is hard enough—I would rather be the one giving of my time, making meals, watching kids, cleaning houses, etc to help others. I must admit that I am shocked, surprised, and humbled that others would want to help me.

BUT it is not about me right now. It is about my daughter who is presently away from her forever family. It is about doing WHATEVER it takes to bring her home. And, just like on numerous occasions for each of my bio children, I will do whatever it takes to help her find her way home.

Hold on, Min Zhi! We are coming!!!