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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Left Behind

David is on his way to China right now. He has the benefit of the direct flight to Shanghai, so he doesn’t have to stop in Narita, Japan, but it is 14 ½ hours straight. As soon as he took off, I went out for a run, just because I COULD and he couldn’t. J ha!

How I wish I was going with, and we could go down to the Guangxi province! How I would love to scoop up Min Zhi and bring her home! I know that it is prideful, but honestly, in comparison to what she has in china, WHY IN THE WORLD would China not approve us and make her stay there? Are they scared that we have too many children that there won’t be enough love to go around? Or that the economy is too bad that we won’t be able to clothe her for the impending winter? Or that we have chickens, and her health would be compromised by the Avian flu???

We are on day 33 of waiting for LOA. I know that MANY people reach into triple digits of wait time. But I also know that I am not to compare myself with others, that my God will do as He wishes, and in His perfect timing we will bring her home. BUT I will NOT stop asking, or knocking, or petitioning Him at the throne room of grace. If an unrighteous judge will hear the cries of the widow, how much more will my God, the righteous judge, hear my cries in behalf of the orphan?

Please join me in praying for Min Zhi to be given permission to COME HOME!

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